Event Information

War of the Wings, 2025
(2025-10-11 - 2025-10-17 - Site opens at 12PM & Closes at 12PM)

Event Info

War of the Wings, 2025


2025-10-11 @12PM to 2025-10-17 @ 12PM


Site Info

Site Name:
Elchenburg Family Campground

2239 Center Rd., Boonville, NC, 27011

Follow I-77 to Elkin, NC. Take NC-67 East for approximately 0.4 miles. At the traffic circle, continue straight. In 0.4 miles, turn Right on Messick Rd. In 1.7 miles, turn Left on Center Rd. In 5.8 miles, turn Right on Elchenburg Castle Pl. 

The First and Last Rule of this Event is Respect the site and the people. All else will follow.
There are four towns in Yadkin County. Each year War of the Wings becomes the fifth. We are about half the size of Yadkinville and Jonesville, roughly the same size as Boonville and twice the size of East Bend. As with any municipality, we have rules to help everyone have a good experience. Please use good judgement and help keep the event drama- and incident-free. In all cases, modern laws trump everything else.
In matters of the SCA the staff defers to the Atlantian Crown and Her Seneschal. In matters of this event the Event Steward is the final word.

Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions. Please refer to the SCA Code of Conduct below.
If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.

Quiet hours are 2am – 7am. Please be considerate of your neighbors when contemplating high-decibel night-time activities (drumming, piping, singing, etc.)

There are no hookups for RVs on site. We have done research for those campers that would like to have full hookups, and found additional nearby optionsIn keeping with the theme of the event, modern/mundane campers will be allowed in RV camping. Vardos, wagons, medieval houses and such can be in general camping if you purchase enough land and you have the approval of your camp steward. No gas generators allowed inside of camps. If you have a question on whether your vehicle will be allowed, send pictures to the Event Steward and head of land.

After conversations with Yadkin County including the fire marshal, the rules on campers, vardos, etc are as follows.
If you have a detachable trailer (such as a popup or vardo) and it is not in any way connected to any internal combustion engine or generator you can put it in general camping as long as you reserve enough land for it and have approval of the group’s land steward.
If you plan to use a generator or have a camper that is connected to an internal combustion engine or generator, or dont want to reserve the land for camping or do not have permission from your group’s land steward then you are in the parking/RV area which may be further away.
We will try to establish a specific RV parking area.
Please note: Per the Yadkin County Fire Marshal, the only acceptable reasons for a combustion engine to enter beyond the parking area are for brief loading/unloading situations, and brief trailer drop-off/pick-up situations.

Society Seneschal’s addition to Society Golf Cart Policy, approved by the Board April 24, 2022:
Privately owned golf carts are not allowed at any SCA event unless approved in advance by the site owner, the event steward, and the seneschal in charge. Proof of private insurance by the cart owner or operator is also required. If golf carts are loaned or rented for use by an SCA group for an event, SCA golf cart insurance must be obtained as well as a documented rental agreement between the SCA legal representative and the owner or the leasing company.

Due to health concerns, the local health department recommends that gray water from kitchen use be disposed of in portalets. Sumps for showers are not allowed. Please use the showers made available to you on the site.
The showers will be shut down at 11am on Sunday. If you would like to volunteer for sanitation duty, please click here.
Please respect and take care of the site’s buildings and facilities, the event’s pavilions and resources, and the property, well-being, and privacy of other attendees. Do not enter another camp without permission. Do not take anything that is not yours, even as a joke.
No swimming in the pond. It contains leeches, snapping turtles and agricultural run-off.
Firearms are not allowed on site.

Per Kingdom Law, anyone bringing a minor who is not their legal ward MUST have a NOTARIZED Minor Medical Authorization Form found at http://www.sca.org/docs/pdf/treatminor.pdf
Parents are responsible for their children’s actions and any damage they may do to property or to themselves. Please help them to understand and respect the site, other people’s camps, the animals, and the dangers of things like fire, the pond, leeches, and electric fences.
Children under the age of 12 must be within sight or voice range of a designated responsible adult or teenager at all times (read: children must be supervised at all times).
If you find a lost child who is unable to find their way to their camp or parent, ask another, unrelated adult to stay with you and the child and flag down a member of Staff.

Animals must be supervised and on a leash, crated, or otherwise controlled at all times while on site. Owners must be able to provide pertinent information about vaccinations if needed and properly dispose of their animal’s waste. Disruptive animals may be asked to leave site.

DO NOT FEED ANY animal without the owner’s express permission.

Please don’t burn down the site! Each camp is asked to keep a Fire Extinguisher, buckets of water or sand in camp. Flames of any sort must be supervised at all times and extinguished properly.
Water spigots are available, but the site doesn’t have sufficient capacity to allow for permanent connections to individual encampments. Please do not leave hoses connected when not in use. The Food Merchants are the only permanent connections allowed.
Sump holes, trenching and fire pits are allowed but must be filled in when camp is broken.
All left over firewood (used or not) must be taken with you or placed in the tree line so as to be out of the way of machinery. Before you dump your coals ensure they’re completely cool, and flood the ashes with water.

Please put all garbage in the dumpster before you leave site, or take it with you. Setting it near or beside the dumpsters means the event staff (likely the event steward) will be handling your garbage and that’s just not nice.

Camp Fire Safety Guidelines
Open fires and fire pits shall be controlled to ensure that adjacent tents and other structures are not inadvertently ignited.
• Open fires and fire pits shall be at least 15 feet away from tents and other structures, preferably 20 feet.
• A fire extinguishing mechanism (fire extinguisher, bucket of sand, water hose) shall be readily available near to the open fire. They shall be inspected to ensure that they are ready for use. • Fires shall not be left unattended.
• If a fire should spread beyond the fire pit, it can be extinguished by campers if the fire is in its incipient phase (just beginning, easily extinguished with the near-by extinguisher). If the fire is beyond the incipient phase, clear the area and call any Event Staff member for help.

There is no smoking in any public areas. Please be conscious of the drift of your smoke, and dispose of butts in proper containers.

No one is to be given or served alcoholic beverages who is under the age of 21. No one is to be given or served alcohol who is in danger of incapacity. Hosts are responsible for monitoring the situation in their own camps and are to be respected if they feel the need to flag individuals. Security will support their efforts to maintain control.

Please help keep facilities clean and operational. If a problem is noted, please make Staff aware.
Please put the lid down in the privies, as it forces the unpleasant odors of the contents to properly vent.

Parking Policy Enforcement Notice:
As War of the Wings continues to expand, managing camping, activities, and traffic flow has become increasingly challenging. In response to requests from attendees, event staff, and campground personnel, a stricter parking policy will be implemented to ensure clear traffic areas, ample camping space, and an enhanced overall experience.
To facilitate camping and scheduled activities, all vehicles must remain in designated parking areas. While we understand the need for vehicle unloading and setup, we expect vehicles to be moved to parking areas once setup is complete (within 3 hours). Attendees failing to comply will be urged to relocate their vehicles through patrols and prompt response to complaints.

Policy Highlights:
  • Vehicles parked in camping or activity areas for more than three hours are subject to removal by a bonded towing company.
  • War of the Wings staff will make reasonable efforts to contact the responsible party before towing, defined as a brief search of the immediate area around the vehicle.
  • Vehicles must be parked appropriately to avoid obstruction and endangerment to other vehicles. Improperly parked vehicles are subject to removal.
  • Procedures will be in place for monitoring and enforcement, including tire and window marking as a warning before towing.
Procedures for Vehicle Removal:
  • Traffic and Parking staff will monitor vehicles in camping and parking areas, noting details for enforcement purposes.
  • Owners will bear all costs associated with towing and storage.
  • Owners must pay a trip charge if the vehicle is moved to the parking area before the tow truck arrives.
  • Failure to pay the trip charge will result in towing from the parking area.
Designated Parking Areas:
  • Specific areas are allocated for general attendance, trailers, handicapped parking, oversized vehicles and trailers, and staff.
Personal Appeal:
Please take this policy seriously to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. Our staff will enforce these regulations diligently and fairly, but each incident weighs heavily on us. Let’s all contribute to a positive War of the Wings experience by respecting these guidelines.
Fees Associated with Towing:
The rate for Towing is $200-$250
The rate for cancellation once contacted is $25.(Trip charge)
The rate for reclamation of the vehicle is free.
(From the SCA Sanction Guide)
Section I – Scope & Intent
D. Code of Conduct
The expectation that participants shall treat each other with respect and civility extends beyond SCA gatherings. Participants expressing themselves in any forum on an issue related to the SCA shall likewise maintain civility and courtesy. While freedom of speech is valued in most countries, there are limits when that speech is libelous, bullies, or incites. When considering sanctions in response to such commentary, the sanctioning authority shall consider both how public the comment was and how disruptive the comment was to the SCA or its local branch or affiliate.
No participant in the SCA shall persecute another participant for any reason. Behavior that does not result in criminal charges and prosecution under modern law, but is disruptive to the peace and well-being of the SCA, a local branch, or affiliated group (e.g., disturbing the peace by ongoing malicious behavior between parties or factions) is subject to sanction. Disruptive means actions or statements that are designed to impede the normal function of an SCA event; shock and disgust a clear and marked majority of those who witnessed it, and put attendees of the event at legal, financial or physical risk. In extreme cases, such malicious behavior may rise to the level at which an expulsion and a Revocation of Membership and Denial of Participation (R&D) are appropriate. One example would be a pattern of bad behavior by an individual or group of individuals over a significant time that cause a number of people to leave the SCA due to their interactions with the individual or group in question. For an act to be malicious it requires forethought and the intent to harm.

The site is mainly flat terrain, with a slight slope in the landscape. There are charging stations for wheelchairs and CPAP machines, and handicapped portolets. Most of the site is accessible by wheelchair, with the exception of the back fighting fields.

Event Steward

SCA Name:


War of the Wings is a week-long war, consisting of multiple tournaments, melee scenarios, Arts and Sciences events, Archery and Thrown Weapons events and many gatherings with diversified groups within the SCA.

Cost Info

See Cost Notes

Reservationist Name:
Mistress Adair of Makyswell

Reservationist Email:

Checks Payable To:
SCA, Inc. Kingdom of Atlantia

Cost Notes:

Opens 6/25/25 and closes 9/30/25
Saturday, 11th October to Sunday 19th October

ADULT: 18+
MEMBER……………………………$ 45.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 55.00
YOUTH: 4-17 yr
MEMBER……………………………$ 15.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 25.00
CHILD 0-3 yr
CHILD………………………………..$ –

Thursday, 16th October to Sunday 19th October
ADULT: 18+
MEMBER……………………………$ 35.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 45.00
YOUTH: 4-17 yr
MEMBER……………………………$ 10.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 20.00
CHILD 0-3 yr
CHILD………………………………..$ –
Gate: 10/1/25 to 10/19/25
Saturday, 11th October to Sunday 19th October
ADULT: 18+
MEMBER……………………………$ 50.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 60.00
YOUTH: 4-17 yr
MEMBER……………………………$ 20.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 30.00
CHILD 0-4 yr
CHILD………………………………..$ –

Thursday, 16th October to Sunday 19th October
ADULT: 18+
MEMBER……………………………$ 40.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 50.00
YOUTH: 4-17 yr
MEMBER……………………………$ 15.00
NON-MEM…………………………$ 25.00
CHILD 0-3 yr
CHILD………………………………..$ –

MERCHANTS: Camp Assignment – Merchants
MEMBER $45.00 + $25.00 = $ 70.00
NON-MEM $ 55.00 + $25.00 = $ 80.00

• NOTATION: All Merchants must be Pre-Registered. If they need to pay at Gate – this is acceptable and will be collected at Gate if approved by the Event Stewart and sent to Gate which has its own Gate Sheet for them.
Limit: 25 Merchants

EQUESTRIAN: There are no equestrian events, or space allocated for equestrian activities at WoW this year.

GHOST: 250 EX SQ FT. $ 15.00

Electronic Registration

  1. Go to SCA.org
  2. Log into your account**
  3. Select Event Registration (top bar of your account)
  4. Select War of the Wings
  5. Put in the total number of tickets. Include any family members in the total.
  6. Select other family members, if needed.
  7. Select Camping, if needed
  8. Select your payment method and receipt

**If you are new to the SCA and do not have an account, you can request a User Name and set your password.

Payments by Check

Make checks payable to: SCA, Inc. Kingdom of Atlantia

Mail check to:
Catherine Y King
Mistress Adair of Makyswell
1009 N. River Road, Sylva, NC 28779

Please include your SCA name – Membership # for each member included in the check issued.

For those requesting a refund for War of the Wings XVIII, your request MUST be received five days after the closing of the event (that will be October 24th), IN WRITING (email is an acceptable form of this), if you are unable to accomplish it in SCORES.  If you wish to receive a refund, please email our Reservationist, Mistress Adair of Makyswell. Please ask for a refund even if you successfully cancel your reservation on SCORES. Also, in your statement, please note that you cancelled your refund through SCORES.  SCORES does not issue refunds, only the Reservationist can process refunds through the Kingdom.

Site Opening:
Site/Troll opens for Land Agents (and their Helpers) and Merchants at 12 PM EST Saturday, 10/11/2025, it will close at Midnight EST

Land Agents will be allowed three parking passes to allow individuals to assist in camp setup.
All others are able to gain access on 10/12/2025, Gate Opens at 8:00 A.M. EST

General Activities

Martial Activities:
Multiple Heavy Weapons tournaments and melees.
Multiple Rapier tournaments and melees.
Multiple Archery and Thrown weapons tournaments.

More detail to follow in the flyer.

Multiple days of Youth, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced competitions.
Open displays will be available. 
Visual entertainment venues will be hosted.

More details to follow in the flyer.

There will be approximately 25 merchants available on-site, and one food merchant.