Accessibility Checklist

This page is under active development, feedback for improvements to it are welcome.
Checklist content originally sourced from the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter

Checklist for Event Stewards to Consider

Defining the accessibility of an event is not a binary consideration, some sites will be more or differently accessible than others. A site that is accessible to those in wheelchairs may be difficult for those using walkers, canes or crutches, or for those with other disabilities.

The best and most important thing an Event Steward can do for accessibility access is to be aware of the issues, publish them openly, and be willing to work with others to overcome the issues if possible.

If the site does not have any of the accessibility features suggested below, please note this in the event announcement and/or website, along with whether or not accommodation can be made. Be ready to work with the needs of guests to help find solutions.

Event Steward’s Check-List


____ Post signs indicating where things are located, including bathrooms etc, and/or a site map. Consider also major event locations such as: Court, Fighting Field, A&S hall.

____ If an elevator requires a key to operate, the gate staff should have the key or access to the key.

____ Have a list of emergency numbers at gate (if not 911) and contact numbers for Event Staff.

____ Yellow Pages available at gate for emergencies not covered by 911. A pre-researched list of a few local amenities (hotel, grocery, pharmacy, etc) would be helpful.

____ Make available an ingredients list for feast, dayboard, etc (in case of drug interactions and allergies) at Gate and where food is being served.

____ Make sure that there are lights or reflective markers for outdoor events, mark dangerous areas such as holes etc. Give consideration to what potential hazards may be for different mobility needs.

Mobility Access (Wheelchair, cane, or crutch)

[Images from event guide]

Figure 11: Minimum clear floor space around person in wheelchair is 30 inches wide and 48 inches from front to back.
Figure 12: A person in a wheelchair shown from above with a 60-inch diameter circle drawn around him showing minimum space for pivoting.
Figure 12: A person in a wheelchair shown from above with a 60-inch diameter circle drawn around him showing minimum space for pivoting.

____ Can all buildings be accessed at ground level, by ramps, elevators, or lifts for steps?

____ Are doors and paths wide enough to allow room for a wheel chair/walker (at least three foot)?

____ Is there designated Handicapped Parking, or can signs be procured/posted if there aren’t any spaces marked at the site?

____ Are changing rooms accessible to those using wheelchairs etc., on first floor if needed?

____ Are bathrooms accessible for wheelchairs, walkers? Do they have handrails or some other type of support? Are there raised toilets for those with mobility problems. (includes Outdoor restrooms and Port-a-John) If there is no indoor accessible bathroom, can you get a handicapped Port-a-John or make other arrangements?

____ Can someone using a wheelchair, cane or crutches get to all or most activities? If not, can certain activities be moved if someone contacts you for these arrangements?

____ Are there tables for the feast where a wheelchair will fit? Is there someplace for canes or crutches to rest during feast?

____ Is there a server available to help someone using a wheelchair, cane or crutches if feast is buffet? (is normally unnecessary but it is a nice touch)

____ If there are Merchants, is there enough space between tables for wheelchair/scooter, or someone using walker, cane or crutches to pass through?

____ Is there a large enough space available for wheelchairs to turn around? (A wheelchair requires a space at least 60″ in diameter to make a 180 degree turn. To conserve space, a T-shaped turning space with aisles 36″ wide allowing a three-point turn will also work).

____ Are pathways smooth enough for a wheelchair/walker/scooter to go down.(outdoor)

Audio, Visual, Cognitive Access

____ Do you need a silent herald to assist with sign language? (Is someone in attendance hearing impaired and read sign?).

____ At court, can someone using a wheelchair, walker, scooter, cane, or crutches approach the throne easily and have space to turn around?

____ Is there an area where those who may need to leave quickly (those with disabilities, attention deficit, those with small children) can be accommodated?

____ Is there a quiet space available?

____ Is the event held in an echoey environment, or an environment with a lot of ambient noise?

____ Are there common noise events that should be noted on the event website/flyer? (ex. near to a firing range)

Additional Information

Children with Disabilities
Children with disabilities, like all other children, must be supervised by someone the parent finds appropriate.

____ Are there activities that the children can be involved in?

____ Can space be designated in the room for children with attention problems to be on the floor? (able to move without causing distractions during court)

Assistance Animals

All assistance animals are welcome with all gentles requiring them, see your site’s rules for additional assistance. The term “assistance animal” implies one that has been professionally trained to help a gentle with a disability. All assistance animals will be kept on a leash at all times. Gentles accompanied by an assistance animal are responsible for their animals at all times. (Gentles are reminded that assistance animals are working, and should not be disturbed/interfered with when on duty.)

Special Medical Needs

____ Is refrigeration available for medication storage if needed, insulin and other medications need refrigeration.

____ Have you provided directions, phone numbers, addresses for hospitals in the area (phonebook or other sources) to Gate.

____ Are there electrical outlets available for those who need them (ventilators/nebulizers for asthma, CPAPs, scooter batteries, etc.)?