Welcome to the SCA!

Chatelaine's Seal

Laughter floating on the breeze. Thuds, strikes, and cries of “Well Done” from warriors practicing their arts. Voices discussing topics old and no longer dusty. Dancing feet and the living music of happiness blanket the land.

On behalf of Their Royal Majesties, Their Royal Heirs, and all who abide in the Kingdom of Atlantia, welcome to the Society for Creative Anachronism SCA.org.

My name is Margaret Lad and I am your Kingdom Chatelain. I and the local Chatelains of this land bid you welcome. We encourage you to discover and explore the pre-17th Century world.

Excited about your first event? Troubled over what to do and how to go about it? Do you need an oasis of information, knowledge, and a place to catch your breath?

Both in person and online, we can answer questions for you. Whether you live in this kingdom, transfer from another kingdom, or want to check out the hoopla, we have classes, socials, and discussions to help you gain ease in these current Middle Ages.

Find your local group here or email me chatelain@officer.atlantia.sca.org for information

We look forward to meeting you!

What is the SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-17th century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of world history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities.

In pursuing its mission, the SCA is committed to excellence in its programs, communications, and activities.

SCA Core Values:

  • To act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service in all interactions with SCA members and participants;
  • To be a responsible steward of SCA resources;
  • To deal fairly with others, and value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals,
  • To practice inclusiveness and respect diversity;
  • To promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA members and participants;
  • To act with transparency, fairness, integrity, and honesty;
  • To maintain a harassment-free environment in SCA spaces; and,
  • To avoid behavior that reflects adversely on the SCA or other SCA members and participants.

People in the SCA study and re-create martial activities including armored combat, fencing, archery, siege weapons and more. Our artisans research, create and teach music, poetry, cooking, singing, dancing, metal-smithing, tailoring, armoring, etc. Through the hard work of dozens and even hundreds of volunteers, we host events all over the country every weekend.

The SCA encompasses all of the “Knowne World”, twenty Kingdoms across the globe. The Kingdom of Atlantia encompasses all of Maryland, the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, most of Virginia and a small portion of Georgia. Atlantia is in turn divided into a number of local groups: Baronies, Shires, and Strongholds; and even further into Cantons and Colleges.

Getting Involved

The first step is to find your local group. Next, contact your local chatelain or email me. Your local Chatelain will help you discover all the opportunities to get involved in your area, assist you with information and garb for your first event, and introduce you to people who share your interests.

Then, go to an event and see what interests you. A calendar of events happening around the Kingdom can be found here. Don’t worry about not having all the “right” clothes or understanding everything. Just meet people and talk. Ask questions about what you see and things that interest you. Most people are willing to share.

Also, take a look at the treasure trove of information on the Society page.