Dragons Fire IV: Birth of the Dragon
(2025-04-12 - Site opens at 8:00 am & Closes at 9:00 pm)
Nottinghill Coill
Event Info
Dragons Fire IV: Birth of the Dragon
2025-04-12 @8:00 am to 2025-04-12 @ 9:00 pm
Nottinghill Coill
Site Info
Site Name:
Maynard Community Center
1127 Jameson Rd. , Easley, SC, 29640
Take your best route to SC Hwy 183 near Pickens, SC. If
coming from Greenville, turn right onto Jameson Rd. If coming from Easley or
Pickens, turn left onto Jameson Rd. The site will be on the left.
Service dogs only - No Pets.
is ADA compliant. There is one wheelchair accessible restroom in the hall, and
there will be a wheelchair accessible porticastle on the field as well. There
is a hill between the field and the hall where mobility challenged individuals
would require help. The field is flat and easily traversed. The field is mostly
grassy, the hill is dirt/rocky, and the parking lot in front of the hall is
Event Steward
SCA Name:
last year's festivities, our friendly resident, Draong the dragon, has
become beset by a hoard of eggs! And they're going to hatch any minute! Can
you help her entertain her new brood by displaying your martial prowess or
creating items of great beauty to distract, delight, or pacify the baby
Cost Info
Day-Trip | Feast | Camping | |
Adult, Member Discount Event Registration | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Adult, Event Registration | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Youth (10 - 17) | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Child (0-9) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reservationist Name:
Marie-Simone de Barjavel 'la Fildena
Reservationist Email:
Checks Payable To:
SCA, Inc., Barony of Nottinghill Coill
Cost Notes:
REFUND POLICY: Refunds will be given only if the event makes a profit. The Exchequer must receive refund requests in writing no later than 7 days after the event. All refunds shall be paid by check from the Barony's checking account. No refunds shall be issued until the event books have been closed.
General Activities
Martial Activities:
Feast of martial prowess are pleasing to the Dragon and her rambunctious offspring! Assist her in entertaining and pacifying her baby dragon horde with gratuitous violence! Armored and rapier combat will take place.
This even is slated to be a Titan Challenge in Their Majesties' Titan Tournament schedule. An armored and rapier Titan will be declared and awarded a Triton for their entrance into the Finals in September!
Thrown weapons will happen! Lord Eoghan has graciously agreed to marshal for us so that we can have another avenue with which to entertain baby dragons!
Arts & Sciences competitions coordinated by Mistress Deirdre Morgan
Baronial Brewing Champion Competition - The challenge will be for 21+ a fruit based brew, be it a fruit cider, fruity beer, fruity mead (melomel), of historical origin to enter. For under 21, a fruit based drink of historical origin to enter. No non-alcoholic entries for folks over 21.
Toys for hatchlings (dragon or human) - Keep the hatchlings entertained and out of trouble with your best toy.
Baronial Largesse (Dirty Half Dozen) - Their Excellencies are in need of largesse to distribute. Bring your best seven of the same item. Winner receives one of each entry.
Scott Blanks - Beautiful award scrolls take time and great skill. Show your artistic prowess with scroll blanks for any Baronial award.
Open Display - Want to show off your work with no pressure? Join the display table and receive the joy of sharing your work.
Music Solar & Bardic Activities coordinated by Lord Ansel of Falconcree
Fiber Solar coordinated by Lady Isidora Blanco de Leon
Day board potluck! Bring your favorite noms to share!
Merchants welcome! No fee - please contact event steward Merewyn Scharp merewynscharp@gmail.com for space.