Event Information

Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
(2025-03-01 - Site opens at 9:00 AM & Closes at 7:00 PM)

Event Info

Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival


2025-03-01 @9:00 AM to 2025-03-01 @ 7:00 PM


Site Info

Site Name:
St. Timothy's School

4523 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC, 27609

Take your best route to Raleigh, NC.  Follow I-440 to the north side of town to Exit 8B (Six Fork Road, north bound/ North Hills).  Bare right and proceed approximately 1/2 mile.  Get in the Left lane.  After the intersection of Six Forks Road and Rowan Street, get in the left turn strip and turn into the parking lot for St. Timothy's Episcopal Church and St. Timothy's School.  Bare to the right around the church.  The school is behind the church.  NO PARKING IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH.

Unload and move your vehicle to The Landmark at North Hills (4601 Six Forks Road).  Follow the driveway toward Rowan Street.  Turn left out of the parking lot and proceed to the traffic light at Six Forks Road.  Turn LEFT and proceed approximately 750 feet north on Six Forks Road.  Turn LEFT into The Landmark and bare left around the building.  There is a PEDESTRIAN gate between The Landmark and St. Timothy's School about 1/2 way down the property line.

Loading/unloading will be close to the buildings.  Handicapped Parking will be at the School.  

St. Timothy's has graciously agreed to allow the brewer's competition but have requested that there be no general consumption of alcohol on the site.  In an effort to be in compliance with the site restrictions, we will be providing tasting cups for use during the event so that samples can be provided for those interested and for the competition for tasting only.  Alcohol will only be in provided tasting cups.  

No kegs will be allowed on site.

All alcohol brought to site should be for the competition or display.  Otherwise, the site should be considered BONE DRY.

The site is generally ADA compliant.  The school, gymnasium, and cafeteria do have ramps and paved sidewalks to access these buildings.  The access to the cafeteria has a ramp but is slightly steeper than typical.  

An elevator is available should any activities be scheduled on the 2nd floor of the school classroom building.

Event Steward

SCA Name:


The event is the place for your arts and sciences displays and the various competitions for Kingdom Notables for Royal Brewer, Royal Baker, Poeta Atlantia, and our newest Kingdom Notables, Royal Artisan and Royal Scientist.

Cost Info

Day-Trip Feast Camping
Adult, Member Discount Event Registration 10 0 0
Adult, Event Registration 20 0 0
Youth (6 - 17) 5 0 0
Child (0-5) 0 0 0

Reservationist Name:
Master Manus MacDhai

Reservationist Email:

Checks Payable To:
SCA Inc. / Canton of Elvegast

Cost Notes:
Send reservations to:

Master Manus MacDhai
c/o Scott Dean
1315 Castalia Dr.
Cary, NC 27513

Checks payable to SCA Inc. / Canton of Elvegast

Please include modern and SCA names for each reservation.


Per Canton of Elvegast Financial Policy, Paragraph 10.

e. Event Reservation Cancellations and Refunds; Event refunds must be provided as follows: 

i. Refunds may be requested for the following 
   1. Site Reservation 
   2. Cabin Reservation 
   3. Camping Reservation 
   4. Feast Fee - only if requested 24 hours prior to the opening of gate. 

ii. We do not resell unclaimed reservations 

iii. Cancellations received at least five business days prior to the start of the event will be refunded once the funds have cleared and may be processed at the Exchequer's earliest convenience regardless of the profit or loss of the event. 
iv. No refunds will be given if the event does not make a profit (except in the case of 10.e.iii above). No refunds will be given to those who have checked in with gate. 

v. The Exchequer must receive refund requests in writing no later than five business days after the close of the event. Exceptions may be made by authorization of the Exchequer in consultation with the Event Steward and the Seneschal

vi. All refunds must be paid by check and shall not be issued until the event receipts have been received and all reservation checks have been deposited. No individual refund may be issued until that reservation check has cleared. 

vii. All refund requests must contain the following information in order to be honored: 

   1. Legal name(s) for every person the refund applies to 
   2. The legal name to whom the check is to be made payable 
   3. Mailing address for refund 
   4. What the refund is for (feast, site, camping, etc.) 
   5. Additional contact information (preferred, email or phone)

viii. A copy of the Canton financial policy will be available at check-in.

General Activities

Please see the website for a complete description of each competition and requirements.

Please use the google form on the KASF website to reserve display space.  

Kingdom Notables:

Royal Brewer
Royal Baker
Poeta Atlantia
Royal Artisan
Royal Scientist

Arts & Sciences Competitions:

Persona Pentathalon
Youth Triathalon
Inter-Baronial A&S Champions
Duke Gyrth OldCastle Poetry Smackdown

Arts and Sciences Displays:

Youth Display
General A&S Display
Adult-themed A&S Display (18+)

Merchants should contact the Event Steward (Magister Gaelan).