Fighting | Syr Garan Halftrellson will be
in charge of all marshal
activities. Please get in touch with him for anything marshal related.
Sir Marc d"Aubigny will be
presenting one of his handmade swords for one of the
heavy competitions this year! |
Arts & Sciences: | THL Fyen van Amsterdam will
update on all things A&S.
There will be a largess
competition based on the
amount you can produce!
Please contact her with any
questions at org. |
Feast: | Feast will be a clash of Korean removes. Look here
for more information from
Master Otto von Schwyz.
Please contact him with any
dietary needs via his email at rg. |
Merchanting: | Please contact Lady Pagane at for merchanting at the event. |
| Please watch here for any other updates! |
Registration: |
| Day-Trip | Feast | Camping | Adult Member Registration | $15.00 | $15.00 | $0.00 | Adult Non-Member Registration | $20.00 | $15.00 | $0.00 | Youth (7-17) | $7.00 | $15.00 | $0.00 | Child (0-6) | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Make Checks Payable To: | SCA, Inc., Barony of Sacred Stone |
Registration Notes: | THL Adair of Makyswell (mka
Catherine King) will be the
reservationist. Please make
checks payable to SCA, Inc.,
Barony of the Sacred Stone.
You can contact her at her
email or phone: / 561-315-7289.
Reservation Fees:
Adult, Member: $15.00
Adult, Non-Member: $20.00
Youth (7 to 17): $7.00
Child (0-6): $0.00
Feast ( all ages): $15.00 Electronic Reservations are available. Please see website for instructions. Further information about Gate and Reservations will be forthcoming.
To make your Gate experience as stress-free as possible, please have the following items with you as you approach the Gate:
1) Members: Your membership card or Non-Members: Your Driver’s License (this should match your Pre-Registration information)
2) Your tag and vehicle information so you may fill in your Parking Pass. Helpful hint, carry a sticky note with your information or keep a photograph of the back of your vehicle on your phone.
3) If you have minors, you will need their information.
4) We will have Waivers to sign at each lane at gate.
5) If you have a Minor and you are not the parent or Legal Guardian you must bring with you the following notarized document: Medical Authorization for Minors. You may find it beneficial to carry multiple copies of the notarized document (with original signatures) so you will have a spare available for the numerous inquiries and therefore, you can enjoy the best part of War of the Wings. Please click here for Frequently Asked Questions on Medical Minor Authorizations For Participants.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Gatekeeper. Refunds: Event refunds will be issued per Kingdom of Atlantia"s Financial Policy. The Sacred Stone exchequer must receive written requests for refunds no later than 7 business days after the event. No refund will be issued until the books have been closed and all reservation checks have cleared.
Site: | Elchenburg Castle Farm 1015
Elchenburg Castle Place
Boonville, NC 27011 |
Site Restrictions: | Animals must be supervised
and on a leash, crated, or
otherwise controlled at all
times while on site. Owners
must be able to provide
pertinent information about
vaccinations if needed and
properly dispose of their
animal’s waste. Disruptive
animals may be asked to
leave site. Due to health
concerns, the local health
department recommends that
gray water from kitchen use
be disposed of in portalets.
Sumps for showers are not
allowed. Please use the
showers made available to
you on the site. Please
respect and take care of the
site’s buildings and facilities,
the event’s pavilions and
resources, and the property,
well-being, and privacy of
other attendees. Do not enter
another camp without
permission. Do not take
anything that is not yours,
even as a joke. No swimming
in the pond. It contains
leeches, snapping turtles and
agricultural run-off. Firearms
are not allowed on site. All leftover firewood (used or not)
must be taken with you or
placed in the tree line so as to
be out of the way of
machinery. Before you dump
your coals ensure they’re
completely cool, and flood the
ashes with water. Please put
all garbage in the dumpster
before you leave site, or take
it with you. Setting it near or
beside the dumpsters means
the event staff (likely the event
steward) will be handling your
garbage and that’s just not
nice. Do not drive on the leech
fields. |
Event Steward: | THL Gawain de Barri (Colin Bulla), 308 Jake Tucker Rd, Midland, NC 28107, Phone: (704) 9993418, E-mail: |
| THL Adair of Maksywell, MKA Catherine King; / 561-315-7289 |