Event Information

Duke Uni. SCA Demo
(2023-09-09 - Site opens at 8:30 AM & Closes at 5 PM)
Windmasters' Hill

The Med-Ren Studies Program has invited us to create a day-long display of Mediaeval physical culture. They are very excited to have us and hope to make this an annual event (probably in the Spring--more details to be announced). The last demo was rained out, so second time's the charm! This will be used also as a blueprint for getting demos started on other college campuses. There is no site fee. All of us are Hospitalers (Castellans and Chatelains) for the day. Let's show these college students how cool The Dream is!

FightingRapier, Heavy, and possibly Rebated.
Arts & Sciences:Displays of all kinds welcome. We might also theme offerings to match course offerings.
Feast:Dayboard to be provided for participants.
Merchanting:No Merchants, alas. Maybe in future.
Other:Parking Info will be provided on website. Set up begins at 8:30 am. Event begins at 10am. Event ends at 4pm and break down begins. All folks should be off site by 6pm.

Adult Member Registration$0.00$0.00$0.00
Adult Non-Member Registration$0.00$0.00$0.00
Youth (-)$0.00$0.00$0.00
Child (0-)$0.00$0.00$0.00
Make Checks Payable To:SCA, Inc., Barony of Windmasters' Hill
Registration Notes:Please don't pre-preg (it's free!). But do let the Event Steward (Father Ælfric--Callingrapher@gmail.com) or Deputy (Lady Caitrina--caitrinasca@gmail.com) know that you plan to help out. All folks coming are expected to help run the demo for the students of Duke Uni.
Site:Duke East Campus Quad (Baldwin Quad). The official address is a Broad Street address. But the main entrance is actually on Main Street.
Site Restrictions:No alcohol at all. Brewing displays are dry only. Weapons may not be launched through the air (though projectile weapons can be displayed). Service animals welcome, of course. Animals that are not service animals: "Well behaved, leashed pets are welcome to enjoy the grounds with you, but are not allowed in the buildings."
Event Steward:Ælfric Ecgeling (Matthew Eggleston), 2210 Sparger Road, Durham, NC 27705, Phone: (919) 4521342, E-mail: Callingrapher@gmail.com
Reservations: (), , , NC , Phone: () , E-mail:

Coming from Raleigh, etc: Take I-40 West to I-885 North. Take Exit for NC-147 (Durham Freeway). Take exit for Swift Avenue. Turn right at top of ramp. Turn right onto Main street (immediately after crossing train tracks). Turn left into Duke East campus. Coming from Greensboro, etc: Take I-85 East to Durham. Take Exit for NC-147 (Durham Freeway). Take exit for Swift Avenue. Turn left at top of ramp. Turn right onto Main street (immediately after crossing train tracks). Turn left into Duke East campus.