Event Information

Dun Carraig Baronial Birthday & Investiture
(2023-12-08 - 2023-12-10 - Site opens at 4:00 PM & Closes at 12:00 AM)
Dun Carraig

Join us in welcoming Dun Carraig's new Baronage. We will be having a day of tournaments, feasts, and displays of arts to celebrate the glory of our Barony.

Website: https://duncarraig.net/bb2023

FightingCome all and test the steel of Dun Carraig. There will be a day of tournaments on the Armored, Rapier, Cut and Thrust, Archery, and Thrown Weapons lists.
Arts & Sciences:There will be multiple opportunities for Artists of all types and experience levels to compete or display there work. We will be having a sewing competition, a best use of a modern material in an arts competition (aka Make the Laurel's Cry), a largess derby for our incoming Baronage, and and open display.
Feast:Dame Caitriona MacDhonnachaidh has put together a fantastic feast in celebration of our new Baronage. See Event Site for an up to date list of ingredients. If you have any allergy questions please contact Caitriona by email: cmacdhonnachaidh@gmail.co m
Merchanting:Merchants are welcome, please contact the Event Steward to sign up. We have ample, outdoor space for merchants.
Other:Please join us for our event fire light bardic and keep warm in our Tea Tavern!

Adult Member Registration$15.00$15.00$25.00
Adult Non-Member Registration$20.00$15.00$25.00
Youth (6-17)$5.00$15.00$25.00
Child (0-5)$0.00$0.00$0.00
Make Checks Payable To:SCA, Inc., Barony of Dun Carraig
Registration Notes:Cabins are available by Pre- Registration Only. This event is available on SCORES. Check's can be sent to our reservationist. SCORES Link: https://sca.app.neoncrm.com/ np/clien ts/sca/event.jsp? event=617
Site:Lion's Camp Merrick 3650 Rick Hamilton Pl, Nanjemoy, MD 20662
Site Restrictions:None! If you bring dogs please clean up after your pet.
Event Steward:Marguerite de Lyon (Meredith Horne), 4024 Hanson Rd, White Plains, MD 20695, Phone: (203) 2988175, E-mail: marguerite.de.lyon.sca@gmail.com
Reservations:Amalia Kunne (Heather Kriebel), 8635 Napping Place, Welcome, MD 20693, Phone: (240) 6829804, E-mail: heather.kriebel@gmail.com

From 301 turn onto route 6 heading east. Turn onto left onto 425, until it merges with route 6. Turn left onto route 6 south and follow until you see a left onto route 224 or Riverside Road. Continue until you see Camp Merrick Gate on the left.