Sir Walter Raleigh Costume Ball III (Demo)
(2025-02-08 - Site opens at 5pm & Closes at 9:30pm)
Event Info
Sir Walter Raleigh Costume Ball III (Demo)
2025-02-08 @5pm to 2025-02-08 @ 9:30pm
Site Info
Site Name:
Haw River Ballroom
1711 Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd, Saxapahaw, NC, 27340
Take I-40 / I-85 (combined) to exit 147 toward Pittsboro. Follow Hwy 87 south for 10 miles. Turn left (east) onto Church Rd. Church Rd crosses the Haw River and turns right to become Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd. The Ballroom is just ahead on the right.
Alcohol by licensed caterer only. No BYOB.
All buildings are equipped with ramps and fully
accessible to wheelchairs in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act. 2 multi-stall
bathrooms are available on site (1 men's room, 1
women's room). Both are wheelchair accessible. The event is
all on one level. 94 parking spaces are available in and around the converted mill building. 83 overflow spaces are available nearby. Handicap parking will be clearly
Event Steward
SCA Name:
Come enjoy a fancy dress ball for Valentine"s Day
weekend! Wear your best Tudor finery (or any pre-
1600 costume). All dances will be taught and called,
so no experience is necessary. We expect a great
many newcomers. Loaner garb will be available from
the Buckston Gold Key.
Cost Info
Day-Trip | Feast | Camping | |
Adult, Member Discount Event Registration | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Adult, Event Registration | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Youth (6 - 17) | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Child (0-0) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reservationist Name:
Charles Fleming
Reservationist Email:
Checks Payable To:
SCA, Inc., Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Cost Notes:
at the door or preregister at VenuePilot
The Haw River Ballroom is treating our
SCA Ball the way it would any other dance band. They are handling sound,
lighting, and tickets. Because the SCA is not in charge of the gate, this is technically a Demo, not an Event. There is no non-member surcharge. Everybody gets the member price.
VenuePilot doesn't issue refunds. Event Refunds shall be provided as follows: i. The Reservationist must receive refund requests in writing
(email is acceptable) no later than five (5) business
days after the event. ii. All refunds shall be paid by
check from the Buckston-on-Eno checking account.
iii. No refund shall be issued until the event books
have been closed and all reservation checks have
cleared. iv. No refund shall be issued if the event has
not made a profit. This policy may be waived by
unanimous vote of the Canton business meeting in
cases of event cancellation or other extreme
circumstances, provided that such action does not
put the Canton in financial jeopardy.
General Activities
Martial Activities:
There are no martial activities planned for this event.
In addition to dancing, our incoming Baron will
lead us in singing rounds. Musicians are particularly
welcome, and we can assist with gas money. There is an optional runway contest for those
who want to wish to show off their costumes.
There are adjacent restaurants.