Event Information

Bright Hills Baronial Birthday
(2025-02-08 - Site opens at 0700 & Closes at 2100)
Bright Hills

Event Info

Bright Hills Baronial Birthday


2025-02-08 @0700 to 2025-02-08 @ 2100
Bright Hills


Site Info

Site Name:
Manchester Volunteer Fire Company Activities Building

3297 York St, Manchester, MD, 21102

From North, due South or East-Take your best route to Baltimore, MD and I-695. Follow I-695 to Exit #19/rte-I- 795. Follow I-795 West =/- 9 miles to MD route 30. Turn left onto MD route 30 and follow it =/- 14 miles to Manchester, MD. Once in Manchester, turn right on York St, follow it several blocks. The site will be on your right. Look for the curved stone gateway. From West and parts of DC and North VA-Take your beset route to I-70 and exit #68/ Mt Airy, MD route 27 North until it dead ends in Manchester, MD. Turn right onto Main St/route 30 and go several blocks to the next traffic light. Turn left onto York St and follow for several blocks. The site will be on your right. Look for the curved stone gateway. **We are requesting that all attendees go past the site to the next block (Victory St., make a right and then another right onto Maple Ave. to park on the field. *Handicap parking will remain in the parking lot to the left and front of the building** The site may be slightly elevated, but it is scooter usable.  There will be activities located both inside and outside so please dress appropriately.

This is a wet site, but we ask that you take your containers with you when you leave.
No Ground Fires Permitted.
No Smoking or Vaping allowed inside of building.

Handicap accessible; handicap restrooms available; grounds can be rough, so be aware.

Event Steward

SCA Name:


Come Celebrate the Auld (the Scots word for Old) Alliance, dating back to 1295; it was built upon Scotland and France's shared interests in controlling England's aggressive expansion plans. Some say that the alliance was never formally revoked, although it is considered by some to have ended with the signing of the Treaty of Edinburg in 1560.

Children! There will be Scottish Beasties hidden throughout the site--inside AND outside!
BUT, PLEASE, respect others while quietly searching for them, else these beasties may run away! Some are VERRA SHY! NOTE: ONE BEASTIE PER CHILD!


Cost Info

Day-Trip Feast Camping
Adult, Member Discount Event Registration 15 15 0
Adult, Event Registration 25 15 0
Youth (5 - 17) 5 15 0
Child (0-4) 0 0 0

Reservationist Name:
Clara von Wonsiedel

Reservationist Email:

Checks Payable To:
SCA-MD, Inc, Barony of Bright Hills

Cost Notes:
Cost Notes:
Family cap of $40 for family with minor children and the member discount (2 adults and 2 children)

Event Cancellations/Refunds:  
If someone else trolls you in and you don't attend (show up), there will be no refund.
Refunds must be requested in writing to the Baronial Exchequer (Reservationist) within 5 business days after the event closes.
No refunds shall be issued until the event books have been closed.
All site fee refunds shall be paid by check from the group checking account. 

Please send all reservation requests to Michelle England, 219 Grindall Street, Baltimore MD 21230.  Email: brighthillls.exchequer@gmail.com

Cut-off date for sending in Pre-registration: Monday, 3 February 2025

General Activities

Martial Activities:
Heavy Fighting, weather permitting, (unfortunately, due to situations beyond our control, there will be no Youth Armored Activities).

In honour of our theme, The Auld Alliance: please display a project that is either Scottish or French in origin that is dated between 1295-1560. Documentation preferred. For more information, please contact Faolan Mac Raghnaill (Facebook) or Jarnvithr Studio (jarnvithr@gmail.com.) 
Open display outside of the A&S competition welcome.


First Course: Scottish
Bannocks- V
Scotch Broth
Chicken in the Heather
Country Egg Casserole- V
Roasted Parsnips and Carrots- V

Second Course: French
Manchet- V
Spinach Tart- V
Little Cabbages- V
Country Sausage

Scottish Short Bread Cookies- V
Apple Moyse with Toasties- V

And as always, the Head Cook reserves the right to switch items in the menu.
Please message Dame Wynne if you have severe allergies. (Jill/Wynne Peters on FB)

“V” indicates vegetarian compatible dishes.
Menu ingredients will be available at Troll, or upon request until 2 days before the event.

There will be an Off-board table available.

Please contact Livi de Samuele (MKA: Sherrill Abramson)

There is a Bardic Circle throughout the day

There will be a Brewing Competition, and a new Bright Hills Baronial Champion decided.