Event Information

University of Atlantia
(2025-02-01 - 2025-02-02 - Site opens at 10:00am & Closes at 5:20pm)

Event Info

University of Atlantia


2025-02-01 @10:00am to 2025-02-02 @ 5:20pm


Site Info

Site Name:
The Great Hall of the University of Atlantia

This event is entirely online.

Participants are asked to follow all SCA social behavior policies.

Not applicable.

Event Steward

SCA Name:


This is an entirely online session of the University. There will be 6 class hours on Saturday (10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM, and 4:30 PM) and 4 hours on Sunday (1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM, and 4:30 PM). All times are US Eastern Standard Time. If you are not in the Eastern time zone, please use a time converter app to ensure you are neither too early nor too late to enjoy your classes.

The University of Atlantia is accepting individual class proposals through December 11, 2024. To submit a class proposal, log on to the University of Atlantia website (university.atlantia.sca.org) using your Atlantian Enterprise Login (AEL) account login/password. In the left hand menu, select “Propose a Class”. If you do not have an AEL login, you must register for a new account. It does not matter if you are a resident of Atlantia or not.

Those organizing tracks of classes (thematically grouped classes of up to 6 hours on Saturday, 4 hours on Sunday) should submit their track proposal on the Google Form at https://tinyurl.com/5n6vmknj by November 27, 2024. Track proposals assist the University staff in preparing the catalog and ensuring classes intended to be taught in a sequence are properly scheduled. Classes in a track must be entered individually as described above.

The catalog will be published and pre-registration open on January 3, 2025. Pre-registration is required to attend online classes at the University of Atlantia. Pre-registration closes on January 30, 2025. Once pre-registration closes, students will be unable to make changes to their class schedules unless their class is canceled.

All classes will be in named breakout rooms from the University Great Hall (Zoom room) unless the instructor has specified use of their own video platform.

Cost Info

See Cost Notes

Reservationist Name:
Elisabeth MacAlester

Reservationist Email:

Checks Payable To:

Cost Notes:
There is no cost to attend the University of Atlantia.

General Activities