Event Information

Not Quite Quarterly Braggin Rights Tournament V
(2025-05-17 - Site opens at 9am & Closes at 6pm)

Event Info

Not Quite Quarterly Braggin Rights Tournament V


2025-05-17 @9am to 2025-05-17 @ 6pm


Site Info

Site Name:
Odell Weeks Activity Center

1700 Whiskey Rd, AIKEN, SC, 29803


Charlotte I-77 S/US-21 S toward Columbia, Use the right lane to take exit 18 for SC-277 toward Columbia/I-20 W/Augusta, SC-19 in Aiken, drive 2.5 miles south on Whiskey Road (SC-19). Turn left into the O'Dell Weeks Center, just past the corner of Price and Whiskey. Use caution at the entrance where you will drive across the walking path. Park in the Center parking area.

Bicycles or motorized vehicles are not permitted. Watch for automobiles at both the entrance and an adjacent part of the path that permits cars to access parking areas near the picnic shelter. Pets are permitted on 3-foot leashes and scooping is required.

  • ADA Handicapped Accessible
  • 2 picnic shelters with 11 tables, 8 trash cans each, 1 grill each (for shelter rental, call 803-642-7631) (grill size is 36” X 38”; 1368 sq. inches of grill area), and water or lights are available upon request
  • Inclusive playground system with ADA compliant rubber surface recommended for ages 2 – 12, but all ages are able to enjoy
  • Swings: 2 Konnection Swings that allow an adult and toddler to safely swing together, 2 tot swings, 1 Freedom Inclusive swing, 3 belt swings, 1 Volito swing
  • 2 ziplines: 1 being inclusive with a freedom harness
  • Rope Climbing Wall
  • Seated seesaw for up to 6 people
  • Musical area with xylophones, chimes, and bongos
  • Jungle gym with a small climbing wall and slides
  • Walking track (1 lap = 1 mile) with lights, water fountains, and park benches; skates and rollerblades are allowed
  • 1 full-size soccer field with lights (300’ X 185’) – For reservations, call 803-642-7761.
  • 7 lighted hard tennis courts *
  • 4 outside Pickleball courts
  • 4 outside hardball courts
  • 4 outside racquetball or hardball courts *
  • 2 outside basketball courts *
  • 1 small gazebo
  • 8 picnic tables throughout the park
  • 12 benches throughout the park
  • 9 Holes of Disc Golf
  • 1 recreation center
  • 1 Tennis Center
  • 46 acres

Event Steward

SCA Name:


Heavy Armored Weapons & Rapier Tournament For Braggin Rights
Titan Torments for Heavy Armor and Rapier.
Iron Artesian tournament.
We will have Living History Demonstrations, Classes, and an Arts & Sciences (A&S).
Show up, Show out, and you'll have Braggin' Rights that you attended the most fun public demo in Aiken County!! Tournament Champions and A&S Contestants winner will also go home with fantastic prizes worthy of Gloating, and EVERYONE will go home with an event token of tokens! It's a WIN WIN WIN!!
How do you attend? Simply SHOW UP!! Registration is not required, and the event is free but will take Donation for the Canton.
For more information:
email: nqqbrritterwald@gmail.com
Canton of Ritterwald webpage:
SCA webpage:

Cost Info

See Cost Notes

Reservationist Name:
Johanna Gardner

Reservationist Email:

Checks Payable To:

Cost Notes:
$0 / donations 

General Activities

Martial Activities:
Heavy armor combat and Rapier combat

Living History Demonstrations, Classes, and an Arts & Sciences (A&S).
Iron Artisan tournament  


no merchant
