Event Information

Tourney of Manannan Mac Lir
(2024-01-27 - Site opens at 8 AM & Closes at 11 PM)
Tear-Sea's Shore

Greetings to the fair populace of Atlantia. I am the Event Steward for the most auspicious of Tourneys. The Tournament of Manannan Mac Lir, with the longest running tournament prize in Atlantia, returns to you once more on January 27th of 2024. Join us in the fair southern lands of South Carolina to see those that would prove their mettle and the right to wear the Manannan Brooches for the next year. We have THREE, you heard me, THREE brooches this year. The late Mistress Megara created the first two, those awarded for Armored Combat and Rapier. This year, myself, Mistress Jorunn, and Mistress Tegan have created a new brooch for the Arts and Sciences. All efforts in our fair kingdom should be recognized and we are grateful to give this new avenue to the Arts and Sciences community.

Website: https://afranksshs2012.wixsite.com/tourney-of-manannan

FightingArmored Combat: 2 Tournaments -The Brooch Tourney will be first, format depending on the number of participants. -Great Weapon Tourney, format depending on the number of participants. Rapier will have 3 tournaments: - The Brooch Tourney will be first, format depending on the number of particpants - Save the Ale Tourney: fighters will have a mug of "ale" (read water) that they must keep in their off hand. Winner shall be determined by most water kept and most kills. - Great Weapon at the Wall: a Cut & Thrust tournament using larger swords at a limited field. More description will be posted on the website.
Arts & Sciences:There are multiple A&S Competitions: - THE BROOCH COMPETITION: We have a brooch for A&S now! Please bring your most elegant swan related arts. This first round is based on the swan daughters of Manannan. - Adult Open: display/competition whatever art you would like to enter into a competition or just for display - Wind on the Ocean! Show us your best Ireland, Celtic, ocean, or Manannan themed items. Food is welcome. - Scroll Blank Competition hosted by Mistress Tegan de Moreton - Youth A&S Open: we love to see what the youth of the kingdom are up to! Bring your art! More details available at website.
Feast:Elizabeth of Hidden Mountain is creating an Irish Feast. The menu and ingredient list will be posted on our website. Please send allergy information to the Event Steward. Email: mandirsuniverse@gmail.com
Merchanting:Please contact the Event Steward if you would like to merchant this event. There is no merchanting fee. email: mandirsuniverse@gmail.com
Other:The site is handicap accessible, the parking lot is gravel, the main event field is flat grass with a cement sidewalk around the outside edge. The main building hall has outside access restrooms with ramp. There is a ramp to access the hall on the side of the building. There are multiple areas available to park.

Adult Member Registration$8.00$12.00$0.00
Adult Non-Member Registration$13.00$12.00$0.00
Youth (5-17)$5.00$12.00$0.00
Child (0-4)$0.00$0.00$0.00
Make Checks Payable To:SCA, Inc., Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore
Registration Notes:1. All requests for refunds shall be made in writing prior to the closing of the event and by the person who made the reservation or their designated representative. 2. Refund requests from those not in attendance at the event should be made via email to the Event Steward and/or Canton Exchequer at their published email addresses. Such requests must be dated no later than midnight of the day of the event. 3. All refunds will be at the discretion of the TSSFC. While the Canton makes every effort to honor refund requests, it reserves the right to refuse requests received after completion of the event, requests associated with unprofitable events or for feast seats cancelled less than 24 hours before feast which cannot be resold. 4. All refunds will be made by check drawn on the Canton account to be mailed no later than 15 days after the end of the event.
Site:Harleyville Community Center 163 Railroad Ave Harleyville, SC 29448
Site Restrictions:Please check the Site Map at Gate/Troll prior to setting up. Thank you for your cooperation. No camping onsite. Day shades and pop-ups allowed. This is a Dry site. No open fires are permitted on site. Also, no smoking except in designated areas. No animals in the indoor areas. Please clean up after your pets or the owners will be asked to leave.
Event Steward:Lady Maddalena Valeta (Amanda Franks), 2202 Great Hall Court, Charleston, SC 29414, Phone: (843) 8229671, E-mail: mandirsuniverse@gmail.com
Reservations:Lord Seiffrid Wolfhart (Michael Sanchez), 8410 Gracefield Court, North Charleston, SC 29420, Phone: () , E-mail:

Take your best route to Exit 177 (SC-452) on I -26. Take the exit towards Harleyville and continue for about 1.3 miles until 453 intersects at a T junction with SC-178 (Main Street). Turn left and continue until you cross the railroad tracks after about a third of a mile. Immediately after the tracks turn right onto South Railroad Avenue. The Community Center will be at 163 on your left. There will be signage for the site and for parking.