Event Information

Day in the Park
(2023-05-13 - Site opens at 8:00 AM & Closes at 8:00 PM)
Charlesbury Crossing

Come join us for a relaxing day of fun and fighting by the lake in Charlesbury Crossing! There will be A&S, fighting, and a potluck dinner at the end of the day.

FightingThere will be opportunities for heavy and rapier fighting directed by Master Achbar ibn Ali. More information will be forthcoming, but we know you’ll have a great time, and there will be prizes!
Arts & Sciences:Come and enjoy a fiber solar hosted by Mistress Lidia de Ragusa, and a scribal solar hosted by Ly. Fyen von Amsterdam. We also have plenty of room for you to set up your projects under the shelters. (Be advised that this is a public park.)
Feast:There will be a potluck dinner at the end of the day. The canton will furnish meat, prepared by the Hon. Ld. Angus de Botha. Please bring your favorite dish to share.
Merchanting:We regret that, due to park rules, we cannot welcome merchants.

Adult Member Registration$10.00$0.00$0.00
Adult Non-Member Registration$15.00$0.00$0.00
Youth (11-17)$10.00$0.00$0.00
Child (0-10)$0.00$0.00$0.00
Make Checks Payable To:SCA, Inc., Canton of Charlesbury Crossing
Registration Notes:Reservations are appreciated so that we know how much Ld. Angus needs to cook. Deciding to attend at the last minute? Bring coins, and we’ll see you at the gate!
Site:Park Road Park, 6220 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 (The site opens at 9:00 am and closes at 8:00 pm.)
Site Restrictions:No alcohol.
Event Steward:Jessamyn di Piemonte (Grace Morris), 9935 Sardis Oaks Road, Charlotte, NC 28270, Phone: (704) 5168929, E-mail: moas AT charlesbury DOT atlantia DOT sca DOT org
Reservations:Send reservations to Event Steward

https://www.google.com/maps/place/6220+P ar k+Rd,+Charlotte,+NC+28210