This page contains the most up-to-date information from the Seneschal’s office concerning the resumption of activities for groups within the Kingdom of Atlantia. Each of the files below has a short description of the contents along with the publication time for each document. It is important to note the file’s date as information is subject to change.

As of Thursday, December 1, ALL COVIDSafe restrictions still in effect in Atlantia will be lifted. There will be no further Covid-related restriction allowed except for what may be imposed by a site or by local government.
Individuals are still welcome to mask and social distance themselves if they desire, and nobody should be confronted about their masking and social distancing choices. Respect people’s choices, give them any requested space, and remember to be courteous.
The complete dropping of the COVIDSafe policies as well as any Kingdom imposed policies are a result of the BoD decision of August 29, 2022. This is a Society level change, not a Kingdom one.
The only remaining item from COVIDSafe policies is that the statement:
“Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.”
is still required to appear on all event notices, flyers, online announcements, and advertisements, as well as being posted in multiple locations (including gate) at any and all SCA-sponsored functions.
Be kind, and be safe.
The SCA health notice must be printed and prominently displayed at the entrance to all SCA activities (events, meetings, A&S and martial practices). This language will be required to appear on all event notices, flyers, online announcements, and advertisements, including Troll [Registration], as well as being posted in multiple locations at any and all SCA-sponsored functions going forward.
General information about COVID-19, provided by the CDC.
Medieval themed images to remind individuals to take proper precautions during this time of COVID.