Their Highnesses: Prince Abran de la Barra and Princess Anya Shchulepnikov

( Contact Their Highnesses: trh@atlantia.sca.org )
Abran is not a picky eater at all and loves pickles, cheeses, breads, and meats. In terms of drinks, he prefers flavored seltzer or diet coke. He also enjoys a good single malt scotch.
Anya also loves cured meats and cheeses, but does not enjoy olives or spicy foods. She prefers water or seltzer to drink, and enjoys dry wines or bourbon. She always appreciates black coffee in the morning.
Their Highnesses are often accompanied by their 6 year old who likes fruit.
Head Retainer: Mistress Edan Lowery, royalretainer@gmail.com
Court secretary: Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-Don
Photo by: Noble Thomas de Winter