The SCA is not just for adults, there is space for youth as well. We put forth interesting activities at
events; primarily for ages 4-11, but sometimes teens as well. We encourage anyone with children to
come look and see what fun can be had with a younger view on events.
Pages’ Academy is our longstanding organization to help bring children into the world of the SCA.
There are no badges but there are beads, given for good works and (sometimes) hard study. With
enough beads the pages rise through the ranks to become Senior Pages, and eventually graduate
from the Academy. Children ages 5 to 17 can become pages.
We welcome parents to help their children while they are at children’s activities. Adult volunteers are
also welcome. Donations of materials or activities (like games) should go to your local youth officer.
In the future there will be a listing, assisting people in locating the closest youth officer.
If you want to learn more about volunteering, please contact Rebbah Thamira for more details. As an
organization the Kingdom of Atlantia follows the “two deep” rule for safety. That is each activity must
have two adults not related by love, blood, or residence to assist in supervision of the youth. This
does not mean that these two adults are responsible for watching children – we are not babysitters.
Click here to download the latest Atlantia Youth Handbook (Dec 2023)
This handbook contains the official Kingdom of Atlantia Youth Policies as well as the Society for Creative Anachronism Youth Policies. Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism may reproduce this work in whole or in part for SCA use, provided copyright credit is given.
The Official Society Policies concerning the Youth Activities may be found in the Seneschal’s handbook: https://www.sca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Seneschal-Handbook-0421.pdf
(Pages 28-29)
The Official Atlantian Laws concerning minors may be found here:
(Section 11.1 – 11.5)
The Society’s background check authorization form may be found here:
Do you have more questions about youth programing?
Contact Rebbah Thamira haSopheret (Chancellor of Youth)
Are you interested in finding more about our Pages Academy?
Contact Dame Mor the Merry
More information coming soon.