Unto the populace of Atlantia does the Kingdom Seneschal, Maistir Cian, send greetings. During the second week of May, several members who attended Crown Tournament, reported that they had tested positive for Covid. Over the last two weeks, the CDC has reported a rise in the daily number of reported infections in Northern Virginia and Maryland.In response to changing conditions, after consultation with the Society Seneschal, and with the support and concurrence of Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, I am amending Atlantian Covid Policy effective Monday May 23, 2022:

  1. Branch Seneschals throughout the Kingdom of Atlantia are authorized to require attendees and participants at official events and activities sponsored by their branch to wear a properly fitted mask at all times when indoors.
  2. Properly fitted mask, for purposes of this policy, means a mask worn covering the wearer’s mouth and nose.
  3. Seneschals requiring indoor masking will notify the Kingdom Seneschal within 24 hours of making the decision and will utilize best efforts to publish the requirements to potential attendees and participants.
  4. Events requiring masking indoors should plan to have several boxes of disposable masks on hand.
  5. Attendees at University Sessions shall wear a properly fitted mask at all times when engaged in indoor classes and activities.
  6. The owners or custodians of day shades and pavilions, including owners and custodians of baronial or other branch day shades and pavilions, may require all persons to wear a properly fitted mask while under said day shade or pavilion. This requirement must be properly displayed at the day shade.
  7. All attendees and participants in official events and activities are strongly encouraged to carry a mask with them when attending official events and activities.
  8. Branch and shire seneschals are strongly encouraged but not required to cancel indoor feasts in regions where case counts are increasing, until further notice.
  9. Indoor feasts should utilize social distancing where possible in the placement of tables.
  10. If a site or local government is recommending stricter rules than Atlantian policy, please contact me directly to discuss a possible variance.
  11. Any provisions of Atlantian Covid Policy not directly addressed here, remain in full force and effect.
  12. The Atlantian Covid Policy will be reviewed monthly with the Crown and Great Officers, and more frequently as circumstances dictate.

Please reach out to me regarding any questions or clarifications on these policy amendments. These changes are in effect indefinitely, until rescinded.A reminder that these rules must be followed and enforced 100%. Please remember that we are a Society based on honor, courtesy, and respect. It costs nothing to be kind, even if you disagree.

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Maistir Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dublaich
Kingdom Seneschal