Webminister Deputy for the Atlantian College of Heralds

  • Kingdom Level Position
  • Remote

Website Atlantia

This does not need to be a Herald. It is an administrative position. They must have a paid SCA membership and be at least 18 years of age as they will have access to both SCA and the associated modern names and contact information. They must be trustworthy to keep that information confidential.
Duties will include updating the College of Heralds webpage and light communications with the kingdom webminister, heralds and Triton. This should require less than an hour most weeks. Basic understanding of email and web design and development including light PHP editing is necessary. Familiarity with WordPress is desired.
This deputy needs to be reliable and able to respond to emails within 48 hours. They will need an ESP login account.
If you are interested, please send an email to me at the Triton officer account: herald AT officer.atlantia.sca.org
Thank you, and enjoy your weekend!
Gisela Triton

To apply for this job email your details to herald@officer.atlantia.sca.org