Editor of The Oak

Website The Oak

Starting Date: January 2026
Warrant term: 3 years
Reports to: Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences
Reporting Positions:
● Publishing Deputy
● Social Media Deputy
● Webminister Deputy
● Editorial Staff

Responsible for:
● Organization of the editorial staff. This includes but is not limited to maintaining the
submissions spreadsheet, assigning editing projects, facilitating support and
communication with authors, organizing regular meetings to foster communication
among the staff and encourage new ideas and projects, and more.
● Regular communication with editorial staff (weekly messages, regular meetings) and
with KMoAS (quarterly reports, meetings as necessary, potentially Unevent hours).
● In person and online solicitation of content submissions for The Oak from artisans at
● Support of the web and social media teams, including helping conceptualize social
media messaging, creating content, and helping to coordinate with the publishing and
Kingdom event calendar.
● Collection and review of all Creative Release Forms to ensure they are properly filled out
and that the content is being used in a way that is consistent with the consent outlined
on those forms.
● Formatting and posting content to The Oak’s web version when the editorial staff has
completed its review of submissions.
● Coordinating with Kingdom Notables and Officers such as the Competitions Deputy to
support the activities of these roles both on the blog and over social media.
● Maintenance of The Oak’s metrics reporting, including tracking post records, tag
strategies, social media engagement, and quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year
changes and success.
● Coordinating with the Kingdom Chronicler’s Office to create and publish twice yearly
PDF versions of The Oak for those who do not use the blog.
● The creation and maintenance of job descriptions of all relevant deputy positions, filling
those positions, ensuring they are properly warranted, and supporting the transition of
any officers into and out of those positions.
● Serving as the primary administrator of all Oak social media accounts.

To apply for this job email your details to the_oak@moas.atlantia.sca.org